Wednesday, March 7, 2012

For the Perfectionist...

It is too often that I catch myself trying to run faster than I have the ability to. What I mean by that is that I find that when I take on a task or decide to commit to something, I want to not only do it well, but with perfection. I get caught up in the little details of things, often times losing site of my purpose. My greatest weakness, I think, isn’t that I don’t try hard enough, but that I try too hard to reach a goal of perfection that may not be attainable for me.
I was recently reading in the book of Matthew (Bible, New Testament) when I came across a scripture that hit me like a ton of bricks. It’s in Matthew 9. It is when Jesus Christ is eating with sinners and publicans, that the Pharisees (a religious group of people who prided themselves in their strict observance of the law) ask Him why he chooses to surround himself with those who are so imperfect. Jesus, the perfect man, so simply responds that his purpose is not to call the righteous to repentance, but the sinners. He relates himself to a doctor, whose patients are not those who are healthy, but those who are sick…I then came to a realization that since we are all “sinners,” afflicted with the sickness of mortal life, we will never attain that perfection. The purpose of the Christ was to make up for those shortcomings that we humans all inevitably have.
            It has been quite humbling for me to accept my imperfections. Sometimes I just have to give it my all and hope that Christ will make up for the rest. Even in the small things. No one, besides Christ, has attained human perfection. It is through my own tiring efforts of trying to be perfect that I have found that there is something more powerful, more perfect, out there. And that once I’ve created my own imperfect piece of work, I can hand it to Him and he will turn it into a perfect masterpiece.


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