Monday, April 30, 2012

Man's Greatest Work

    One of the greatest opportunities that we have been given in this life is to serve our fellow man. There are all sorts of people around us that could use a helping hand, an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, or even an approaching smile. There are many instances in my life where I could have, or did, receive a small act of service from one person or another. There are many instances where I have been given the opportunity to do that myself. I was recently able to help a family pack up and move. Boxes needed to be made, clothes needed to be organized, blankets needed to be folded, and the list went on. Though they are packing up, they have yet to find a place to move to… I found as I was helping them, that I could look into each of their eyes and recognize them as a child of God. I all of a sudden began to realize that nothing that I could be doing at that moment was more important.
     There is a great saying in the Book of Mormon that says “when ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God.” (Mosiah 2:17, pg 148) It is through service that we can perform the greatest work that mankind can do, and that is to serve God.

1 comment:

  1. I love the simplicity of this experience! It does not require a big act of heroism to serve someone with the pure love of Christ. This says a lot about you, Sister Clark! Where many people would complain about having to help someone move, you took the time to look at the people you were helping, and in doing so you were blessed to see them as God sees them. This put a big smile on my face, thank you so much for sharing :)
